My work

Beatriz Puche

How do I work

I am an integrative counsellor, which means that I look at the whole person and take into account their mental, physical and emotional needs. I apply different techniques and tools to tailor an individual approach for each of my clients. In particular, I use:

  • a non-directive person-centred approach that encourages clients to fulfil their own potential,
  • CBT techniques and mindfulness to change negative patterns and an improve state of mind,
  • a psychodynamic approach to work with the unconscious and childhood experiences,
  • the body to understand how the body and mind/brain processes traumatic events to support clients to begin the healing process.

The purpose of this therapy is for you to begin to live a more fulfilling life. As an integrative therapist, I treat my clients holistically, taking into account their mental, physical and emotional needs. The first step is to provide you with a warm and safe atmosphere in which we can forge a therapeutic relationship based on trust, acceptance and confidentiality.

My approach integrates the following elements:

  • Attachment theories to analyse the traumas or harmful behaviours and dynamics that affect you today and that, in most cases, originated in the family environment in which you were born and grew up.
  • Different artistic languages (e.g., drawing or writing) and body techniques (e.g., focusing or sensorimotor therapy) to address trauma. Thanks to my specific training in trauma therapy, I have gained a deep understanding of how traumatic experiences impact on our psyche, body, personal relationships, work and spirituality.
  • Cognitive behavioural techniques to create new beliefs and behavioural habits.
  • Meditation, relaxation and mindfulness to reduce depression, anxiety and distress.

Who is the therapy for

This therapy is for you if:

Mantienes una relación amorosa, amistosa o familiar en la que sufres y no ves salida.

Vives en ciclos sucesivos de rupturas y reconciliaciones con tu pareja.

Te sientes incapaz de establecer relaciones auténticas y duraderas.

Eres víctima de menosprecio y humillaciones.

Estás pasando por una ruptura y necesitas apoyo psicológico y emocional.

Tienes o has tenido una relación con una persona de perfil narcisista o psicopático.

Repites el mismo patrón de relaciones tóxicas.

Experimentas síntomas de agotamiento por anteponer las necesidades de los demás a las tuyas propias.